Sunday, June 23, 2013

Having fun at work – Sweet Fridays


Fridays are a day that everyone looks forward to and from the moment I step into the office  I can feel the light, airy, cheerful atmosphere that contrasts quite significantly from your usual Mondays back at work. So to take this opportunity the other UNSW intern and I came up with this idea of a ‘sweet Friday’ where either one of us or both of us would bring in a treat for morning or afternoon tea because we thought it’d be fun to celebrate the day that everyone looks forward to. 

I’m really glad we had this initiative because it also gave me a reason to meet new people and strike up conversations as I offered them food and got to know them. It hopefully made everyone’s day brighter and helps create a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere at work. I would usually do a round trip around the office to other departments besides finance as well, offering snacks and it was through this that I learnt more about the organisation, other people’s roles and it was through building these personal relationships that I was able to find out my ‘go to’ people if I was ever stuck on a task. For example if I was having issues with TM1 I knew exactly who to go to in IT that would be able to help me and most of the times if I just popped over and asked them for a helping hand they’d immediately come over to sort it out for me. It really helps to know people who are not just in your department but others as well to get a bigger idea of how the firm works as a whole and make new friends to make the whole experience all the more enjoyable and fun!

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