Sunday, June 23, 2013

The pros and cons of miscellaneous work


My role from the very beginning was never quite a defined one. There were things which I liked about that but at the same time didn’t. When I started work on the 2nd of January it was year-end and the busiest time of the year. Everyone was in a state of constant flurry, usually staying to quite late and hardly taking any time off for a lunch break. No one really had any time to explain anything to me so I was often handed work that just ‘needed to be done quickly’. Not having a set routine in the early months of my placement and just getting handed tasks from various people meant that I did not really know what to expect for the next day and sometimes it was hard trying to see the value in what I was doing. For example, getting signatures from everyone on the team to make sure that everyone had read the transmittal letter for the quarter, updating calendars gathering documents from colleagues and documenting procedures. However it meant I had variety in my day and whenever I had free time it was good to know I could lend people a helping hand.

When the previous UNSW intern before me came back from his holiday and starting working part-time he handed over some of his tasks to me and these included things that would occur monthly such as Travel & Entertainment departmental reports, handling monthly lease plan, ORIX and cabcharge invoices, ABS surveys, putting together the monthly BS and aggregating recs. I felt I had more structure and routine to my day and I could also plan out what I needed to get done in advance. It was only then that I felt I could contribute more and be that much more valuable to my team and J&J.

As my team has become more solidified and settled with all our new employees a monthly timeline with everyone’s recurring responsibilities have been set out and for those who are interested to know some of mine include the following:
  • Sending a company-wide email detailing the requirements of an intercompany charge
  • Updating the whiteboard calendar
  • Requesting Intercompany Sales Orders on a monthly basis (if the deadline is missed then I’d have to make an accrual)
  • Take the GCO team (Global Clinical Operations who work on projects and internal orders) through the GCO chargebacks
  • Prepare internal expenses to charge to affiliates, send GCO invoices and backup
  • Prepare accrual for Regional cost centres
  • Preparing CTMS report – GCO and MAO
  • Raise SO request for regional/corporate cost centres
  • Leaseplan accrual
  • Source OOB (out of balance) report and review with intercompany in Manila
  • Distributing cab-charges and updating the cab-charge tracker

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