Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lunch & Learns


One of our commercial analysts gave a lunch and learn class where over a catered lunch, she talked about one of the many opportunities available at Janssen to do an internal audit for an overseas affiliate. She talked about her experience as an internal auditor which was less like investigating them and more like working with them to improve their internal processes and compliance. She detailed some of the benefits of taking up this opportunity such as learning efficient practices and processes from the audited affiliate and then being able to bring it to our firm and improve our processes. It showed how valuable it was to share information between overseas affiliates and the value it could bring to various J&J firms worldwide. Some of the topics we discussed included how we could implement electronic reconciliations instead of continuing to have paper backups. It was a great eye-opener and a wonderful way to learn about the opportunities that were available to employees at J&J.

This was one of our new initiatives following our Health Organisation Survey, to have more lunch and learn classes so people can share the knowledge they have learned. 

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